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Monday, 29 April 2013

How to Start Investing in HYIP!

This mini guide is for an initial approach to HYIP investments to avoid compromising money losses.
I have 7 years experience in HYIP Industry. High Yield Investment Program represent today one of the few real opportunity to make money on the Internet. You can achieve returns and profits which can turn a modest initial investment into a significant amount of money in relatively short time, even few week or months. There is also a significant level of risk involved with these high earning investments. It is vital to know what they really are and how they behave.
Please, do not invest in HYIP online without the necessary knowledge!
You should consider investing in hyip as gambling, betting, lotteries. You don't have to invest your life savings, money for the family etc, you should not consider it as a serious and safe investment like those of banks or collective investments and even bonds, share investments etc). But, in my experience, you can earn money more easily than gambling, betting and lotteries, and much faster than traditional investments, committing even very small amounts. But you can also lose as in gambling etc, unlike banks, institutional funds etc., which are guaranteed by law.
It must be understood that all HYIP are Financial Pyramids that pays your interest first with your deposit and then with those of the new investors, and all HYIP become Scam, sooner or later, it's only a matter of time. This happens when the Admin decides what is the best time for him, that is for example, at the end of the investment period and he must return the deposits, or when the revenue is not compensate satisfactorily the outputs. As well as, and this worth especially for Short-Term, another favorable moment for the Admin everyone, is in the moment of Booming, i.e. when he presume that its program has made the "Full" of deposits. Knowing this you must implement an appropriate strategy for each type of them.

The choice of the hyip.
Is very important the choice of the hyip. Only invest in quality projects with good design and quite professional operation and feedback in general (Email and Referral notifications, Banners, Password reminder, Online support etc.), website protections, significant hosting costs and overhead costs (advertising, monitors, etc.). Hyip are virtual investments, but with real money though, and it works all that more real investment it seems. Ultimately a hyip must have at least a minimal appearance of a real investment company. Although we know that it is not this is the first necessary condition because a HYIP be taken into account for a potential investment.

The time of entry and exit.
As known all HYIPs are Ponzi schemes and it is clear that getting the deposit as soon as possible is a priority, but if you jump immediately on a HYIP you may lose all or a lot, because not all really allow a profit and It is very important to wait for the early development of a program. Then you must start an investment when there are better equilibrium between a calculated risk and the opportunity to make a profit as soon as there is evidence that a HYIP is paying on the main forums and reliable monitors, but not before that you have done some checks of the costs and quality of the site as above mentioned, and that there is a certain growing interest around from investors and popular monitor's admins that are along with the same forums and the best blogs the major promoters for the HYIPs. This should ensure a minimum level of stability and paying period. In any case these rules should be applied in different ways as the Time of entry according to the different types of HYIP.
5/10/up to 15 days of life for the short-term (investment periods from 1 to 15 days - high interest 4-5% up to 10% daily)
15/20/up to 25 days of life for medium-term (investment periods from 20 to 40 days - medium interest 2-3% daily)
30/40/up to 60 days of life for the long-term (investment periods of 50 days or more - low interest 1-1.8% daily)

Basic Different Strategies
For each type of HYIP a different strategy must be implemented both in the choice and the entry time than for the sum to invest. One should not reinvest in programs with investment period of Medium-Term 20-40 days, and try a few hits, 1/3 for Short Term HYIP(1-15 days), based on the above analysis, sustainability of plans and also to assessment if the HYIP is under "booming" as popularity and traffic of the site, number and amount of deposits and withdrawals on forums, blogs and monitors, that is the best time for admin to scam all. Consider that may be less risky with the Short Term HYIP try an attempt with a sum greater than two with half sum. Be careful with those who propose more than 10% on which you can not apply any strategy, if not try a hit and so, if there are payments proofs on the forums of normal investors and reliable monitors. The same applies to HYIP pay for hours. You can take chances with those who have plan more sustainable, i.e. 0.1%-0.2% per hour, only you should relate the cycles and the interest paid from days to hours.
For Long Term HYIP the time of entry can be delayed much. The same considerations on checks to do, demanding higher quality and verisimilitude with real companies. The observation period can last 30/40 days even up to 60, always depends on the sustainability of the plans, investment in advertising that if there are not can lead to failure also the quality and expensive projects, and, of course, the usual checks on forums, blogs and monitors. For these HYIP is rather a more slow and steady growth.

The importance of the amount.
Beyond all strategies, the basic principle to be applied is that a hyip Admin should have convenience to pay you. Regardless of money that each of us has and wants to make use of it, the sums to be invested must be relate with whom we are dealing, that's Scammers, and not compromising on its own, in the sense that they must induce a HYIP Admin to risk even a few lone voice negative then it will be swamped with so many other positive of payments of monitors and investors who have no interest in throwing down a HYIP. I believe that $ 400/500 is the maximum of the sums treatable in the whole HYIP industry, always referring to the quality and cost of each program. If you invest $ 1,000 is likely that you will not have a cent by most HYIP, If you invest $ 10,000 is sure that you will not have a cent. It is important post at least about 3/4 main forums, links on Hy-ip in "Program Details, and 1/2 main monitors as (and on mine, please), to have a deterrent effect on the HYIP. In short, do not put a condition in HYIP's convenience not pay you because the amount is too high, or that pay you or not pay you is the same thing.

In Conclusion
Of course, it will then direct experience of everyone to increase their skills and expertise to a deepening and completion of this initial mini-guide, in order to apply the most appropriate strategy for each situation. If you want, you can follow our Newsletter or subscribe if you're not yet, for more insights and reviews on each HYIP which we believe is reliable and which we invest, but as in all investments types remember:
"Before thinking to earn learns not to lose!"

Good Luck with Online HYIPs
( Admin)

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